Episode 2

Published on:

4th Oct 2020

Stories for Kids - DoodleBerry Pop and Gran-Pop's Geriatric Gymnastics

Stories for Kids. This is the second episode of The Wonderful Words of DoodleBerry Pop! I am your storyteller, Tim Koetitz and I am thrilled to introduce you to Doodleberry Pop!

“Hi, I am DoodleBerry Pop, I am so happy to meet you. I want to introduce you to my family and friends. I am you average Pog. I enjoy most of the typical things that other Pogs like do, such a build stuff with sticky blocks, ride my pedal scooter, play games with the swooshball, and color with smudge markers. But, what I really, really like to do more than anything else, is explore new words and create new sounds. My imagination always takes me on new adventures and silly experiences. So lets go and have some fun.”

“Today, I am with my Dad, DoodleBerry Pop-Pop, but I just call him Pop-Pop. We are at the Fuzzleville Community Center and we are going to watch my Gran Pop participate in the Geriatric Gymnastics. What a funny word. Hey Pop-Pop, What is the Gerrriatric Gymanastics and what is Gran Pop going to do? Find out in today's silly story".

Show artwork for Stories for Kids - The Wonderful Words of DoodleBerry Pop

About the Podcast

Stories for Kids - The Wonderful Words of DoodleBerry Pop
Imaginative stories for kids
Welcome to the Wonderful Words of DoodleBerry Pop! Imaginative stories with colorful words and sounds just for kids. I am your storyteller, Tim Koetitz

“Hi, I am DoodleBerry Pop, I am so happy to meet you. I want to introduce my family and friends and share my adventures with you. I am you average Pog. Yes, I enjoy most of the typical things that other Pogs like to do, such a build stuff with sticky blocks, ride my pedal scooter, play games with the swooshball, and color with smudge markers. But, what I really, really like to do more than anything else, is explore new words and create new sounds. My imagination always takes me on new adventures and the silly stories are endless. So lets go and have some fun.”

About your host

Profile picture for Tim Koetitz

Tim Koetitz

Tim is a husband, dad and big brother to four younger brothers. As a pastor for over 20 years he has served children, teens, families and men in leading them to a full life in Biblical Truth. Tim is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God with a M.Ed and has had a life focus of church leadership and education.

Tim and his family live in beautiful rolling hills of Damascus, Oregon about 30 minutes from downtown Portland. In his free time he enjoys hiking with his family, throwing some discs with guys at the local Disc Golf Courses, and riding his motorcycle throughout the beautiful countryside of Oregon.
Email Tim: PastorKoetitz (at) aol.com